latest novel is set around the Water of Leith, the river
that runs through Edinburgh. In the past, the
river was an important part of
the city's economy, powering a large number of mills. Now,
much of the river is used for recreation. There is a fine walkway
running most of its length. I was brought up by the Water of Leith
and the action in THE DEAD POOL is
set within a stone's throw of where I used to play as a child.
(Picture 9)
This is an old railway viaduct and just under the bridge there is a river crossing
point that I used to use in the summer (when the water is usually low). However,
one of my characters has to cross this in flash flood conditions!
(Picture 10)
This is a wooden bridge that crosses the river at a pool known as 'the Cauldron'.
It looks deceptively calm in this photograph. But it's not always that way,
especially following a long rainy spell. From the Cauldron, the river then
runs down into a large weir. The bridge leads to a wooded area and towards
steps leading up to the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art, high above.
(Picture 11)
The second photograph is looking from the bridge towards
the Cauldron. Again, looking deceptively tranquil.
(Pictures 12,13)
This is the weir that runs down from the Cauldron. Again,
it looks a gentle trickle. But in times of heavy rainfall,
it is treacherous and deafeningly
loud. The bridge, the Cauldron. the wooded area and the weir, are key locations
in the THE DEAD POOL. |